Tuesday, June 30, 2009

A week to remember...

This week was an interesting one - with first the news of Farrah Fawsett dying, then Michael Jackson. Michael Jackson of course being a very big event for many fans around the world. Then oddly enough Billy Mays, the very well known infomercial spokesmen was found dead at his house, not to forget that Ed McMahon died just a few days before. It is all quite bizarre.

Being exposed to the world that I work in, where social media is something I live and breathe everyday. I find it very interesting to see how people use this new way of communicating to learn, connect and make tributes to people they cared about from afar.

I learned of all the breaking news through twitter - and went to my favorite blogs for news. I saw a few tributes later that made me love this industry even more. Technology, no matter how you feel about it, let's us do some really amazing things. It lets us communicate, educate, stretch our minds, abilities and access to information - and most importantly it allows us to be creative.

Thought I think twitter is a bit of a hype at times, and that there is certainly no long lasting value behind a mashup like this - I want to highlight something that shows how people can use technology to do something as simple as pay tribute to an epic pop icon.

A company called, 9astronauts created Billie Tweets shortly after MJ passed away. Billie Tweets is a Twitter tribute to the pop icon and his hit song "Billie Jean". While a music video for the song plays, the application pulls Tweets from Twitter that includes words that align with the lyrics playing in the song. As ideeli's blog put it "Pure visual Prozac- fun and oddly soothing to watch.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Game changer

This is pretty amazing. Microsoft has come out with a motion sensor control they are calling Project Natal. If it works the way it looks in the video below, which I believe it does based on other YouTube videos I've seen - this is pretty revolutionary. Check it out:

The new controller consists of a 'Wii-like horizontal sensor with a built-in RGB camera, depth sensor, and multi-array microphone' according to philosophistry.com and 'a camera that measures distance by illuminating a scene with short light pulses, then measures the time it takes for the light to reflect back.' All this together allows the controller to know where you are, who you are, and what movements you are making.

Pretty cool stuff Microsoft managed to pull off here. The biggest game changer I see is the full integration is seems to present to a family, with entertainment, social networking and game play all rolled into one.

Reconsidering my Wii purchase. Now if only Xbox played Blu-Ray ;)

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Talk the Talk AND Walk the Walk

A little website appreciation here. Goodby, Silverstein & Partners, an agency doing great work in the space, has one of those websites you take a moment to appreciate. There are several things I love about this site - but I'll tell you my two favorite from my personal point of view.

1. You can find all the information you need
2. They demonstrate just how bad ass they are by showing you, not telling you

Here is why. One, when I was going to the site, my goal was to learn more about an agency I already admire. Most agency websites are very veiled with the information they share with you. I think the motivation for this is one, to be vague enough that potential clients need to give you a call and speak to one of your new biz reps to get any answers, and two they don't want sales people calling on them all the time with a bunch of information in their pocket about what the company is working on. I have my arguments with the latter technique - but I'm sure it is biased and has to do with my profession ;)

Back to Goodby - instead of doing the expected, they showcase all their works, clients, assets, etc on their site. You can see upfront what they have done and who they work with and even search the content to get at exactly what you need.

Second, and the most unexpected by far, they let you know every single human being who works in their office, including their title - and even let you search by name - and that is kick-ass. Not only because they provide this information, which is so not the norm, but because they doing through a website that is so functional and helpful, that you right then experience the type of talent and creativity they are capable of as an agency.

Again - showing my appreciation - as it certainly impressed me.

So here are some images and links. When you go to their site and click on the people section you get presented with this:

From there you can enter someone's name and the image updates as you type:

Now if you're a dork like me you start experimenting with names to see if people with the same name tend to look alike. I think yes... But in all you walk away with a very satisfied experience - the exact feeling the agency is aiming for when presenting themselves.


Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Human Integrated

Small things go a long way, when the people before you didn't think to make the same steps. I find it so amazing and wonderful to come across Obama on LinkedIn.

The reason is, I spend a lot of time on LinkedIn getting to know my clients, colleagues, etc. Learning about where they went to school, who we might know in common, etc. It was fun to read Barack's profile like I read hundreds of other profiles all the time. And like everyone else, I learned something new - didn't know he transferred to Columbia from Occidental College...

Interestingly enough, I came across it because it was the #2 Google result when entering the keyword LinkedIn. Smart smart, oh so smart.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

SF Goodness: Universal Cafe

Oh how I love this place, the way they place the silverware on the table. Ate here recently and although not my first time there, loved it all the same.

The architecture of this joint is pristine, but not pretentious. The food is impeccable, with fresh fruits, fresh veggies, and the best french toast I've had in a while. And you can ask anyone who knows me, I always order the french toast, so I've got a good survey going...

Lines can be long on weekends, but you can luck out with a lull every now and then. And, totally worth it either way.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Should I be jealous?

Some chick is trying to sit on my boyfriend's head...

Monday, June 8, 2009

For The Love of (Re)Branding

Casey at Design Muse Blog republished a great post by NY Times today - all about the re-branding of big logos to be more approachable. I think one of the reasons I love to observe the advertising industry is because of these strong trends that shift and touch all of us.

From Casey's blog:
I read this article in the New York Times last weekend and thought I would share it with you. The article talks about the rebranding of some major companies including Walmart, Kraft, Stop & Shop and more. All of the brands shown here have gone for a more approachable feeling. The heavy all uppercase type faces being replaced by sleeker lower case type. And the colors are much more punchy and cheerful. To read the full article visit New York Times.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

The Beatles: Rock Band

Aah, research. It always takes me to great places. In diving into the video game market today a bit - came across this trailer for The Beatles: Rockband. Holy smokes.

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