Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Just bought two of these guys

Call me a sucker for package design (duh) but I love these little game books by Posh Pocket. I kinda want to order a bunch and have them on hand as little gifts for people. I think they are so great.

For now I just bought two - the crossword puzzle book and one of the sudoku books.

Found them via Simple + Me - and you can buy them here

Monday, April 27, 2009

Fire making sculptures in the air

This beautiful piece of knotted wood made the most lively fire. Looked like moving sculpture. Hypnotic.

I'm yet to have a wood burning fireplace at my own home. I'm convinced once I have one, I've finally arrived...

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Flying books in North Beach

Seen outside the City Lights bookstore in North Beach, SF.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Inspiration: Anthropologie

Anthropologie, how do I love thee, let me count the ways:

1. Fabulous store design
2. Fabulous store design
3. Fabulous store design

And the best browsing a girl could ever ask for. Not to mention the entire store design. One of my favorite locations is the one in Marin County, CA at The Village.

Little explanation needed. Simply come along with me as I browse and love everything I see, and photograph it for inspiration...

This last one inspired me to paint. Will post a pic of my painting when it's done.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Amazing amazing amazing!!

Did a google search today for a moodboard app. I wanted something that allowed me to through together a bunch of found images easily. I found exactly what I wanted, and then some. Say hello to Image Spark, my new best friend, and my new weekend hobby. Here is my first moodboard - took me about 5 minutes, no joke. Just looked under the tag blue, and pulled whatever struck me. And voila!

Spreading the love - since I'm sure I'm not the only one that dreamed of an application like this. I highly recommend checking it out. They even have a firefox plugin so you can pull images straight from the web.

Happy Friday!

Me: Swimming with Sharks

Can you see it, can you see it???

I know, pretty hard to see, but it's there, and I took this picture!!! That blurry thing you're staring at is a 25 foot whale shark, the same one that swam right under me just a few feet away, causing me paralysis and unable to take a picture!

This was a few minutes later when I was 'used' to the feeling of swimming with sharks 5 times my size.

It was really fun. If you ever find yourself in Belize, look up Avadon Divers - they were great!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

The Color of Money

In school I did a design project, where the goal was to design a universal currency. Although I graduated not too long ago - in the past 4 years the amount of information available online today is vastly larger then it ever was back then. Not surprising, but pretty shocking to do a google search on world currency and get exactly what I was looking for, rather than having to sift through random web pages like I did for this class back in 2005.

Anyways, came across a wonderful post, listing images of many beautiful world currencies and wanted to share. Getting to study, analyze, and design my own for 3 months sounds like a dream now. School is such a wonderful luxury!

Check it out here

Gotta dig up from my other computer my final world currency design. I called them Solas. I will make sure to follow up with a post on it.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Happy Earth Day

Photo: Andy Goldsworthy

Advertising Humor

Saw the Audi ad a few months ago (left - click on image to view larger), and even took a pic because I thought it was so bold. A friend just sent this most recent pic. Nice move BMW. Well played.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Recognition for Artist in Advertising

I am seeing a new trend in advertising that I love. Not entirely new, but refreshing to see in such a digital age. Individual artists are beginning to make an impact in advertising with their hand crafted skills. Below are two artists I am particularly fond of:

Yulia Brodskaya - recently seen doing advertising art for Starbucks new line of instant coffee - Via Instant Brew

Eloise Corr Danch - recently seen doing window art for the Macy's Flower Show, and previously discovered for her window art for Anthropologie (Lady Dulcinea)

Paper sculpture has a very unique and beautiful look it seems - and with Yulia's work, easily translates into some spectacular graphic design.

Via Design Muse Blog


About blogging, and blogging about it...

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Interesting Read

Promoting local economies. Fascinating and smart.

Monday, April 6, 2009

ColorSplash - I'm a crazed fan, who knew?

ColorSplash is filming at my apartment building today and tomorrow. Had to grab something from my apartment at lunch, so went to the 4th floor to snoop around and see the team in action.

We ran into one of the producers in the hallway and told her we were just coming up to check things out. Conversation went a bit like this:

Julia: 'Oh hi, I live on the 2nd floor and just wanted to come up and check out the action - you guys are doing apartment 417, right?'

Producer: 'Yes, do you know Corey?'

J: 'No, but we know his place was being redone by ColorSplash'

P: 'Are you fans of the show?'

J: Yea, I've watched it a few times (My mute co-worker nodded her head, having never seen the show)

P: 'Do you want to be crazed fans?'

Thinking she has just recruited us to be on TV, I respond with a slow, 'Suuuuuure?' Not knowing what she is talking about exactly and thinking she maybe wanted us to come back later to be filming...

But that wasn't the case...

She motions for us to follow her and bring us into the staging room to meet the entire cast and crew. As we walk in she announces, 'David, we have some crazed fans here to meet you!'

Suddenly, my co-worker and I are in a room filled with at least 10 people, that apparently we are supposed to know all the names, jobs and probably favorite colors of. Figuring we should play along with the notion that we at least know a little bit about the show, I b-line to the one person I do know, which is the host of the show, David Bromstad - and start making small talk, making it very clear that I live in the building and was just stopping by - trying as best I can to off set the label of 'crazed fan' that I just received. After about 5 minutes of chit-chat, where I discover he actually lives across the street (another tiny little piece of information a crazed fan might have known), the producer points to the woman next to me asking the very leading question 'an you must recognize Danielle too...from the show?' Where again I put on my best 'oh, of course' face and very excitedly shake her hand.

Then we talked about the Olympics (don't ask) and got the hell out of there before they could ask us any questions about our favorite episode.

But, in all seriousness, they were super super nice - and David I think has the best skin I have ever seen. He looks even more flawless in person than on TV. Maybe as a crazed fan/neighbor I can stalk him online to ask where he get's his facials.

P.S. On the way out we ran into another person we, as crazed fans, probably should have recognized, but didn't. Guessing he was the carpenter. For good measure I threw out a friendly hello and good luck - and then asked him to stop by my apartment to paint a few walls. I'm so funny. Gag.

Saturday, April 4, 2009


when do I get my room with a view?

Friday, April 3, 2009


when things just feel right. Just because.


by Color Boards

Short hair, now I have to style, ah!

Discovering that blow drying really short hair is hard, especially when you want to remain low maintenance.

Chopped off 11 inches of hair a few months back to donate to Beautiful Lengths in the name of my grandmother who had just passed away with breast cancer. I highly recommend this organization. The people behind it are great, and if you are doing it to support the fight against cancer, they solely make wigs for cancer patients, and don't sell or make profit, etc. There is a big debate here between BL and Locks of Love, which you can read about, but my vote is for Pantene Beautiful Lengths, for a number of reasons. They are also approved by the American Cancer Association, which I like.

So anyways, I digress. My hairdresser taught me a trick - so sharing. As you blow dry your hair, actually brush your hair on the sides, from your ear, horizontally back around your head and blow dry it against your head. Sorry I don't have a diagram here, but basically what you are doing is using your head to give your hair a slight curl. It is so easy. And necessary, cause if I don't do this I get a really weird 50's flip, and that doesn't work so well, ever.

It's a low maintenance life saver!


Thursday, April 2, 2009


about watching Tim


about Kumo. And liking it.

1. cleans up search
2. combines images, information and intent


the design of this bottle for Font Vella.

Designed by VIDAL LARSSON • DUPREZ | Country: Spain


by Orla Keily...again

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Laughing about

how my grandmother Buffy, who passed away recently, and was the biggest prankster of all time - somehow managed to make her way into my thoughts today a few dozen times. Didn't even think about it until I got a group email from the family, talking about something they had found of her's and sharing it with all of us - when I realize, it was April Fools day, one of her favorite holidays (yes, she would make this a national bank holiday if she possibly could), and she was dropping in, to each of our minds, just to say hi to all of us.

I'm laughing just thinking about it. She certainly was a woman of many sides, some good some bad, like all of us - but her humor was pretty out of this world. Anyone who knows her can tell you a pretty detailed account of one of her pranks. The winner being when she dressed up as a bag lady for her country club costume party, and was so in character (stealing bread from the buffet and putting them in her dirty pockets) that they kicked her our and called the cops. She didn't break character until the police arrived, and even then went back into character right after clearing up the whole mess.

Anyways, thinking of her, and laughing quite a bit. Thanks Buff.


When you check in, just to make sure


Two men on the street holding hands and wondering how Prop 8 didn't pass


Girls Gone Child


You're really only as old as you believe you are. At 25, I believe I'm 17, but pretty much know I'm really 30.

No idea how old my boyfriend is.
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